Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Zanufied Nation

It appears kuti hapana munhu anoda zve politics kuZimbabwe kana mudiaspora asiri Zanufied. A political pundit from Zimbabwe stated that academics did not have a place in Zimbabwean politics because they have not been on the ground and do not relate to the people.
It seems one should lack abilities to qualify for African / Zimbabwean politics. One thing that has drawn academics to The now Mutambara faction of MDC is the fact that they have respect of the law. Non of them believe in the use of gangsters to intimidate opposers or have dictatorial tendencies. It is academics we need so they may be able to steer the nation the right way. If Tsvangirai had any Love for the nation, he would either step down and merge the factions or quit the name calling, at least by his right hand man and let the two parties live on. Put a PF or a Ndonga at the end of one of the MDCs or something. Form a coalition government.
One thing we ought to focus on at this time is to get Zanu and not Just Mugabe out of power this year. We must put some pressure on the international committee to put sanctions on Mugabe, that is to mean Freeze his asserts and all his bank accounts including all Zanu members past and present. All the way to their grand children and nephews. All embassies should be shut down and new elections brought about before November '06. Think about it people.


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right man. I hope the students at ux will help bring some serious uprising and maybe things will change.


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