Monday, March 13, 2006

Politics of Personal Destruction

Like Prof. Stan Mukasa, the rest of the Anti Senate or Tsvangirai side of MDC have decided to revert to the politics of personal destruction. Is it the inferiority complex or they just can not stand people whom they perceive to be better than them in some way.
The unity in cause does not have to that of party or ideology. The notion that having another opposition to zanu means no opposition is ludicrous. Everyone who has been interviewed by all the Zimbabwean online media seem to have this believe. The so called journalist themselves seem to hold the same notion. Both factions of MDC can run as two separate parties and still manage to get Mugabe out of power. We do not need a one party state. I thought everyone accepted that. It seems as the senate issue brought out. The Tsvangirai faction of MDC is rely the other zanu.
Tsvangirai went against the vote and then accuse those who are following the rules to be unity democracy. If you believe that a party leader means he has the final say, then no one wants democracy. One man one vote does not mean anything to MDC Tsvangirai. Just because you have a following of the ignorant who may be the majority does not make you right.
The issue about money going to the pro senate MDC is easily justifiable. That faction has more members than the Tsvangirai side. So those fellers need to shut up.
Prof Mukasa lost all ability to be a fair and balanced journalist when he took sides on the MDC issue. I know Mutambara has done more in his life that Prof Stan and is much more successful. Has this clouded his vision maybe?
SWradio! Please be more balanced and you may want to consider giving Mukasa less time . Unless if SWradio is a Tsvangirai division designed to spread propaganda.
Mugabe can be outsted with three or four parties running. What is the insecurity about? Maybe like we all know that Tsvangirai may be popular but does not have the qualities to lead a country. Lead a cause maybe. Running and having to turn around a country in the state Zimbabwe is requires more than having the popular vote. Tsvangirai does not need to run for leader of the state.


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose it is a matter of personal judgement and comprehension of
the complexity of the issues involved in the so called pro and anti
senate MDCs.

Personally, when you mention degrees and intellectual prowess Mugabe
comes to mind. And where are we now? I do not think government is run
by one person-whether he has a string of degrees or not is far from
the issue. It is about the team you ensemble. And I do not think
Tsvangira's team is deplorable.

Politics is about balls not hot air. And Tsvangirai showed balls when
it required one to do so. Whether Mutambara's entry is
justified(paratuted in to lead) thats a matter for the real MDC to
decide and historians to chronicle not simplistic driven anger and
university nostalgia in remembrance of the phantoma escapeds with
button sticks and tear gas battles behind Manfred Hudson.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Zimbabwepolitics said...

You are right and we agree to a large extend. that is why I say the disagreement MDC had and the reaction Tsvangirai had would take Zimbabwe the same route it is in. Zimbabwe should be run by the institutions in a way. But if one man believes they are always right, then it undermines the institutions. Does that ring a bell?

It is okay to have more than one party and for people to disagree. Disagreement should not result in personal attacks and suggestions that the only true politicians are those that agree with you.


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