Thursday, March 16, 2006

Re: The debate over the Z$ 8 billion given to the 'pro-senate' MDC

Mushonga did not explain anything regarding cashing any checks. She simply explained what lawyer Biti and any other average person should know. Lance Guma of swradioafrica, seem to have taken sides on this issue. I know Zimbabwean journalists like any other Zimbabwean have suffered under Mugabe, maybe even more since they cant broadcast freely. As for the 8 billion issue, Legally there is no split within MDC. That means those folks holding positions still have those posts. Just because a couple splits or separate it does not afford them divorce privileges. So Priscilla was right in her explanation and Mr Biti taking it personal. Anti senate MDC was Legally wrong and they know it. Emotions do not change the issue.
Having more supporters does not make your side more of a party than the other. It just means you have a bigger party. Zanu has a lot of supporters, does that mean it is more of a party than MDC? MDC offcourse has to work to convince more Zimbabweans to come their way or at least to move away from Zanu.
MDC should get on a campaigns to let those committing crimes including small time police crimes will be prosecuted. It needs to make a resolution this weekend that we will not wait another month with Mugabe in power. MDC needs to shut down the government this month on. Let the soldiers and the police know they can beat and shoot who they wish but sooner than later they will be doing time for human rights abuses and the criminal offences that go with it.


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