Tendai Biti
This is one man who has childish politics and antics. Everything that comes out of his mouth with regards to the Welshman Ncube / Mutambara faction of the MDC is designed to be personal. Has he been after the position he is now before the congress? It certainly appears so. For a lawyer he seems to be reckless in his speech. Clearly a dangerous politician. My question would be, what happened that he is not a member of Zanu PF. I know he has done some work for and with the MDC. It certainly appears to be self serving work.
Mr, lawyer Biti needs to stop the politics of personal distraction and leave it to blogers. Focus on the work of the people. Mugabe has to go and democracy calls for multiparty, let the factions stay divided if the egos can't be put aside and deal with the dictator. Tendai Biti is a little Mugabe in the making.
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