Frankly speaking, there is no one in Zimbabwe capable of leading the country to freedom or any kind of real opposition. It is known that as charismatic as Stvangirai maybe he is not presidential material. Offcorse again we all know that all African politicians, yes Zimbabweans on the top of that all, are in it for the money. Corrupt to the core and cant wait to be part of the corrupt Africans Association. It is going to be a focus on how much money each one can make and support their families and the extended family, yes living abroad and driving luxury vehicle and living large like they are CEOs of a fortune 100 American company.Frankly Speaking, Robert Mugabe has not messed up the Zimbabwean economy. It is the inability of the opposition to show the Country, business community and the international business community that they are capable of leading a country nor have they given anyone any confidence in their ability to put together policies that are effective and can safe guard the interest of the business community. Economy of a country relies on the same freedoms that humans crave. Businesses have to know that they have no fear of the government confiscating property and money, that they are free to do business and to support and express their opinions as they wish. All of the opposition have proven to be no different to Mugabe and the rest of his corrupt government.frankly speaking, what is it Tsvangirai or the other leaders are going to do for Zimbabweans? None has articulated this. To elect you into a position of such power is preposterous for citizens to do without a firm and detailed commitment. How may new business are going to be created by the new government, from where, how, how soon? How many new jobs? What are you going to do about agriculture and education and all the issues that are going unaddressed. You wonder why the ZRP and The ZNA are supporting Mugabe or not actively supporting the MDCs, they have to play it safe and so is the rest of the country. Some of the opposition leaders have lived abroad so is the rest of the Zimbabwe government officials' families. So why is it when it is time to build infrastructure or anything, they resort to stuff that was done 100 years ago? Give us some real solution other wise let Mugabe rule.