Saturday, December 23, 2006

Opposition Unification

The most Zanu like idea and non democratic idea there is. How do you call yourselves democratic yet embarking on a non democratic promotional campaign? Anyone who is calling themselves academic or politician seem to not understand what democracy stands for. What is this idea about removing choice? I know and understand what the current administration under Mugabe has not performed as well as expected and corruption and all that is destructive to the nation has taken place. We still should not be obsessed by Robert Mugabe. The focus on the president has taken energy and the ability to be innovative and creative (which was lacking already). It is not necessarily the inability for a president to run the country that takes a nation to what Zimbabwe is and going. It is the millions of Zimbabweans in the diaspora. Running from their responsibilities. As thinkers and innovators, businessman and civic organizations should have been creating an environment that is not conducive to corruption and perpetuation of incompetence.
A coalition is the road to a one party state. Mutambara and Tsvangirai should remain separate one or two more parties should join the field and citizens should be educated to vote their conscience and not what someone else think is the way to go. Mugabe can rule till he dies if Zimbabwean vote for him. And they should be allowed to vote for him if that is what they prefer. It is the members of paliament that matter. As long as the president does not have a majority and the constitution is followed and is for the people, one should not obsess on Mugabe. If there are crimes committed with a majority that is not Zanu then Justice should and will take its course.
It however appears to me that until the nation reeds itself of these Zanu like propensities we are destined to be like Kenya and the rest of the African States. Change from one dictator to another. As it is we all know that Tsvangirai and his predecessor from the other group are dictators in the making.
Businesses need to create jobs, legislators and civic organizations need to teach job skills and help start small businesses.
Civic organizations in Zimbabwe are little businesses that founders use to finance their businesses and feed their families rather than do what they have put themselves to be representing.
As much as mugabe is to blame for the state of the nation, it is time to get over him already and quit the obsession. We have a judicial system. It may not be were we want it to be but we have one. Gukura hundi for instance -- We can start prosecuting and filing civil suits and ask the international courts to start indicting the lowest ranking soldiers that we all know for a fact that they carried out the atrocities and follow the chain of command from there. A lot of these will not want to go down on their own so they will rat on the others and we follow the trail to Mugabe or at least someone higher up the chain. We can do this with everything - the media, city council, labor etc.

Lets do something that works and quit the finger pointing and obsessing on Mugabe. He may die in power and no one will know what to obsess on when he is gone. Leading to another state of paralysis.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger The Radical Mindset! said...

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Thank you.

M S Hove.

At 2:00 AM, Blogger The Radical Mindset! said...

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M S Hove.
Re: Unification of Opposition Opposed!
« Reply #1 on Jan 27, 2007, 1:05am »

Multiplicity of political parties has no direct corelation to democracy, its just a tenet that may or may not be found in a democracy.

Democracy is measured by whether or not the people's voice is the one speaking, the people's rights are respected, the people's will is being implemented, and the people's power is still effective in amking the elected few accountable.
If that comes through a single party democracy like Cuba and China, bi-party democracy like the US, or multi-party democracy like Mauritania's 21 presidential candidates it still does not matter.
If Tsvangirai and Mutambara want to form a coalition and if they had any members and the members were agreeable to that, then they have to do just that and that is what constitutes democracy.


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